Chhrouy Chek - Kampong Cham

Chhrouy Chek is a name of the spot that was worked for stocking water to inundate the rice fields. Its excellent vegetation and water sources have made it a prominent area for Kampong Cham tenants to visit, especiallly on weekends and occasions. Youngsters specifically appreciate swimming there. The site is around 15 kilometers from the commonplace town, north of Kampong Seim District. 

The street is great, and there are bunches of sustenance stands along the way. Some nourishment can be presented with no holding up. There are additionally drifting houses that can be leased for 2,000Riel (USD0.50), where guests can sit and unwind. Vessels are likewise accessible to rent.Chhrouy Chek dam was worked from 1975 to 1978, amid the Khmer Rouge administration, with the end goal of putting away water to develop rice amid the dry season. Numerous Cambodians kicked the bucket while building this dam, and others were slaughtered by the Khmer Rouge. The spot where they kicked the bucket is called Prey Tranoab.
Chhrouy Chek - Kampong Cham Chhrouy Chek - Kampong Cham Reviewed by Unknown on 9:23 AM Rating: 5

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